The Conception

The conception first thing to come to mind is to conceive of a child and to give birth and raise him or her. For most of these stories the mothers of these gods, demigods, and heroes were originally virgins. Some were visited by higher being and who were impregnated and given birth to heroes. There were some who were adopted and given power like the story of Moses from the bible. The story of the Water Jar Boy to me had a great story. His mother was impregnated by clay and thought to give birth to a child but instead of jar. She raised him and then one day the Jar grew old and asked his grandfather to go on a hunt with him. At first the grandfather thought not to because he was only a jar with no human features but brought him any ways. Eventually the jar had stumbled and broke and released from the jar was a human boy. He convince his family it was him who was originally the jar. The jar then asked about the where about of his father and went on a journey to find him. He eventually found his father in the springs who took the boys mother with him on his side to live together. This story really shows how births can come unexpected but lead to great endings.


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